According to Dr. Nieper , a world renowned cancer specialist , 92% of all his cancer patients and 75% of his Multiple Sclerosis patients were Geopathically Stressed.
Dr Ernst Hartmann , the German scientist , says that Cancer is a disease triggered off by Geopathic stress of that location, or to put it simply , cancer is a 'locational' disease.
Did you know that in Austria and Germany, before one builds a house or a school, it is recommended the site be checked for geopathic stress?
Possibly, the aforementioned facts may not be known to many of us. This is because the subject of Geopathic Stress (GS) , despite being very significant, and much researched is also unfortunately much ignored and little known to masses ‐ at immense peril to human health and well being!! It will be best to grasp some basics about it before we discuss it's relevance as an 'architectural design determinant'.
Geopathic stress is a relatively new term given to a 'very ancient field of knowledge' that covers the relationship between earth energies and people's well‐being. "Geo" obviously means "Earth" and the term "Pathic" indicates a disease or it's cure. Perhaps the most accurate definition of geopathic stress is the study of earth energies and their effect on human well‐being.
Geopathic stresses are 'natural radiations' that rise up through the earth and become distorted by weak electro‐magnetic fields, created by subterranean running water or due to presence of certain minerals, underground cavities or faults. Due to this phenomenon , the magnetic intensity and the levels of naturally occurring alpha and gamma radiations ( remember radioactivity!) often are enhanced in such fields. Scientists have also observed how distortion of the natural frequency of earth ( known as Schumann frequency at 7.83 Hz level) over geopathic zones creates a stress within human body which has been aligned to sync with earth's natural frequency since eons. The result is a weakening of the immune system in human beings, leading to greater susceptibility to viruses, bacteria, parasites, environmental pollution, degenerative disease, and a wide range of health issues.
While most geopathic stresses have a natural origin and have existed from time immemorial, their occurrence has seen a phenomenal increase owing to man‐made interventions since 1940s. According to the German scientist and expert on geopathic stress, Dr Kohfink, there has been a huge increase in geopathic stress since the end of the Second World War due to Nuclear Weapons Testing programme, in particular the underground nuclear tests. These tests have caused splits in the earth's crust that are 300 kms deep, which allow extremely high frequency radiations from deep within the earth to come up to the surface. This radiation, as per his study, rises up to 6000 metres above the earth's surface before dissipating. As each nuclear test sends a shock wave 4 times round the whole earth, every country on earth has now been affected by the impacts of subterranean radiations.
When a house is built on top of such fields, the 'enhanced' energies run through the house. Their impact field travels in all directions regardless of building materials, in much the same way as certain electromagnetic energies. Greater the amount of time spent in these 'fields', higher is the risk of illness. This means that a person sleeping in a bedroom directly above the line or a person at office sitting right at the node point of these fields for couple of hours a day ‐ will be most prone to the ill‐effects of Geopathic stresses. Extensive research has already been undertaken concerning this phenomenon. It has been well documented that the immune system gets ‘overstressed’ by spending time at GS nodes , thereby increasing our susceptibility to a wide range of diseases. Cancer is the most notorious of these, and tumours are known to develop almost always at exactly the spot where two or more GS lines cross a person’s body as they lie asleep in their bed. Stress on the immune system caused by GS is seen as responsible for the resulting overgrowth of cancer cells.
Following are few pointers which could suggest the presence of Geopathic Stress by its impact on both people and buildings :
People suddenly develop a serious illness such as cancer, leukaemia and multiple sclerosis, especially after relocating to a new house.
People have an illness which does not clear up 'despite good treatment' ‐ or their response to treatment is inhibited. They have tried a number of different therapies without success. Often hospital nurses talk of certain beds in some wards as 'the death beds', having the reputation that incumbents seem to have more difficulty in recovering or where the death rate is higher.
People feel better when away from home. For instance, a condition may clear up or improve when away on holiday only to come back again when they get back home or they became ill shortly after moving into a new house or they live in a house which has never "felt right" or they instinctively dislike it.
Waking up each day feeling un‐refreshed or feeling 'low' in the mornings. This is because people are often affected by Geopathic Stress in bed as the body's resistance to it drops to a third of normal during sleep.
People who sit at office desks for many hours located in stress zones, will usually feel uncomfortable and unsettled, and over a period of time their productivity and quality of work also suffers.
Babies crying continuously can often be relieved simply by moving the cot a few feet away from the geopathic zone. Babies repeatedly found sleeping in one corner or edge of the cot, (or children and adults repeatedly falling out of bed), are probably instinctual attempts to escape from the worst of the GS.
Following are some other curious pointers that suggest presence of geopathic stress in a house :
There may be problems of excessive mould , lichen or moss growing on the roof, walls, or lawn as geopathic stress encourages the growth of these.
There are increased occurrence of ants, wasps or bees. Most animals avoid geopathic stress. Those that avoid it include dogs, cows and horses but some are attracted to it. These include ants, wasps, bees and cats! Numerous ant nests indicate GS too, and big ones are often on crossings of underground streams, while ant paths often follow streams too!
The presence of 'unexplained' cracks in walls, driveways, paving stones, kerbstones and roads, or gaps in a continuous hedge may indicate the presence of a geological fault line.
The presence of trees with cancer (i.e. large knobbly growths on the trunk) or trees whose trunks have split into two.
Some of the leading researchers on the subject have following observations to share:
Way back in 1929, Gustav Von Pohl , a highly respected German researcher mapped danger areas in houses in Vilsburg, South Germany, which were then investigated by the German Central Committee for cancer research in Berlin. After checking the local hospital records it was found that all 54 patients who had died of cancer, had slept in beds above points marked on von Pohl’s map of earth energy concentrations. Further research, carried out by von Pohl and other doctors, added asthma, depression, rheumatism, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, heart problems and a host of other disorders to the list of illnesses.
Dr. E. Hartman, ( discoverer of Hartman grids of geopathic stress) is convinced after treating thousands of cancer patients over 30 years in practice that Cancer is a 'locational' disease caused by Geopathic Stress. He says: "we all produce cancerous cells on a regular basis, but they are continuously destroyed by our body's immune system. Geopathic stress does not cause cancer, but weakens our immune system.
One of the most extensive research projects was started by the Austrian, Kathe Bachler, in 1970s. She dowsed 3,000 apartments in 14 countries and interviewed 11,000 people. She concluded that 95% of the ‘problem’ children she investigated slept in beds or worked at desks that were placed at harmful sites. She also checked a sample of 500 cancer cases; everyone was found to be sleeping over harmful earth radiation.
With this irrefutable evidence and research existing for over past 90 years , on a direct connect between the impact of 'geo‐pathic stress nodes' on the health of people , one wonders how this critical aspect can be addressed as a design criterion in architecture and urban design ‐ both at academic and professional level....and why has it not been done as yet. A further thought on possibilities lead to following string of thoughts:
Could there be an approach of 'architectural design' that responds to the presence of such anomalies of earth’s magnetic fields , so as to prevent their detrimental impacts on users of a built space?
Could we consider getting a survey of the geo‐pathic stress profile of a site along with the numerous other tests and surveys like topological survey, hydrological survey etc.‐ in order to be able to take better design decisions by knowing where nodes of geopathic stresses lie on the site ?
Could our hospitals be so designed that the OT's and beds in wards never get placed on geo‐pathic nodes? Homes designed to ensure a suitable alignment of our sleeping areas ( at least) in a manner that they avoid these stress nodes that have been proven to be the root of numerous deadly diseases? Schools, crèches and workspace design hinge around the principle of aligning to these subtle energy fields from earth , just the way we design to align with sun and wind energies?
Can we explore integrating with our design, the devices and instruments that have been developed and known to mitigate the effects of geopathic radiations? Experiments are already underway to explore how these 'stress fields' can either be shielded or neutralized or at least be made benevolent to human bio field. Such interventions ( and inventions) have a great potential for aligning or neutralising the geopathic stress in existing structures where change of layout is not possible.
If we can answer any of the above in affirmative , we may succeed ,at the very least in creating spaces where the physical well being of the occupants would be assured in certain measures from the subtle influences arising out of the geographical location of the site. This poses both challenges and possibilities to the architectural design fraternity. By designing in sync with invisible forces of the earth, we would also be fulfilling the most fundamental and 'ancient purpose' of our built environment; one of the basic premise of constructing a building ‐' to shield occupants from the adverse forces of nature'.
An honest and rigorous attempt to explore design solutions to mitigate geopathic stresses in architecture can give a whole new meaning to the phrase 'building with earth' and can go miles in ensuring that we can create 'healthy buildings'.
Acknowledgements: Parts of the information in this article have been sourced from net search and published research papers in India and abroad.